Inspired by Pope Francis' encyclical letter Laudato Si' we are responding to his call for an 'ecological conversion'. As part of our ongoing project to become a Laudato Si hub school for Salford Diocese, our pupils have led the way in promoting a more sustainable and ecological future. Eleven of our pupils were some of the first to be identified as 'Laudato Si Champions' and attended a summit at the Laudato Si Centre at Wardley Hall. During the summit our pupils shared ideas and projects with other schools, planted trees, spent quiet reflection in the natural world and discussed their ideas with Bishop Arnold.
Our Laudato Si Champions have extended their vision to the wider school community through planning how we can utilise our outside space to improve young people's connection with the outdoors but also improve the prevalence of wildlife to our site, as well as planting 200 trees on our site as well as St Josephs and St Patrick's. There are many plans and ideas, and we are excited to see how our champions take their vision further.