The safety of children and young people is paramount. Brownedge St Mary’s is fully committed to the rigorous implementation of safeguarding procedures and arrangements. We expect all staff, supply teachers and volunteers to share this commitment.

Parents should know that the school will take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its pupils. In cases where the school has a safeguarding concern about a child, staff will follow the Local Authority Safeguarding/Child Protection Procedures.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as:
•    protecting children from harm;
•    preventing impairment of children's health or development;
•    ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care;
•    taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

January 2020 OFSTED report  "The school takes pupils’ well-being and safety very seriously. Staff training is regular and up to date. Staff are vigilant. They know what to look out for if pupils are at risk, and how to deal with concerns. Leaders consult parents and refer cases to social care when necessary. They take the time to follow up on referrals and keep detailed records. Pupils have a clear understanding of risks or threats when online. Pupils know who to talk to or contact if they are worried or unhappy."

We advise that students report any abuse online to CEOP and their social media provider. If the online concern relates to pupils in our school, we will log it, but we will always insist this is reported to the correct authority CEOP/Lancashire Police as it is potentially a criminal offence.

All other safeguarding concerns can be directed to the appropriate Head of House, Senior Leader or to me personally using the contact details below. The safeguarding of children is everybody’s responsibility. If you’re concerned, report it.

Miss C Mellor
Designated Safeguarding Lead
01772 339813

If you would prefer to contact someone outside of school then please contact the Lancashire Safeguarding officer via telephone on 0300 123 6720

Safeguarding Policy 2024-25

Updated: 25/09/2024 521 KB


Safeguarding Staff

Miss C Mellor

Miss C Mellor


Miss T Mault

Miss T Mault

Deputy Headteacher, DDSL

Mr A Hayhurst

Mr A Hayhurst

Head of Teresa House, Associate Assistant Headteacher, DDSL

Mrs N Oddie

Mrs N Oddie

Headteacher, DDSL

Frances Fordyce

Chair of Governors, Safeguarding Governor


Heads of House

Mrs C Bland

Mrs C Bland

Head of Bosco House, Associate Assistant Headteacher, Head of Expressive Arts

Mrs J Canfield

Mrs J Canfield

Head of Drexel House

Mr M Cowan

Mr M Cowan

Head of Kolbe House

Mr A Hayhurst

Mr A Hayhurst

Head of Teresa House, Associate Assistant Headteacher, DDSL

Mrs F Ainsworth

Mrs F Ainsworth

Head of Teresa House

Mr S Heraty

Mr S Heraty

Head of Romero House