Reading vision 2023-25


Reading is at the centre of all subjects at Brownedge St Mary’s Catholic High School. We encourage our pupils to ‘let their light shine’ whilst on their reading journey. We endeavour to support pupils in developing their reading fluency, comprehension, and breadth of vocabulary through reading a range of fiction and non-fiction texts for pleasure and academic purposes.


Pupils enjoy contributing and discussing texts at our school and understand the importance of reading for pleasure and academia. We want pupils to enjoy reading the wide range of texts that they experience across school. By supporting pupils in their comprehension, and fluency skills to create a culture of enjoyment of reading during this technology focused years.


We also want our pupils to see that reading has a purpose, that it is an important life skill that will be used long after their education at Brownedge St Mary’s has finished. Pupils understand that an ability to read fluency, and accurately will serve them well and improve their life chances. As part of this, we aim to show our pupils that reading is not always from a book, but can be a poem, an article, a letter, a poster or a short story.


Suggested Reading Lists

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Reading Parent Guide

Updated: 20/12/2023 76 KB